Friday, March 7, 2008

I have been thinking about where this country is going.

Good morning. Since the primaries the other day I have been reading everything I can find pertaining to the results and then comes along the comment that Russ Linbaum wanted Republicans to get out and vote for Hillary Clinton. Yup he wanted them to vote for her so McCain will be up against her in November. I don't want her in the Oval Office, but I certainly do not want another 8 years of Bush business as usual. I also, don't think it is right that the people in Florida and Michigan get another chance at a primary. They did what they wanted knowing what the consequences were at the time so why should it be done again other than so Miss Hillary can get more delegates. I DON'T THINK SO!!!!! At least Senator Obama has gone by the rules set forth by the Democratic Party.

I was poking around at my usual haunts this morning and came across The Smirking Chimp
I must say that Dave Lindorff is one of the most dead on writers I have seen in ages. I feel everyone could get a lot out of what he has to say. You need to read the comments from his readers as well. It is amazing that those of us who would love to string two sentences together and can't, can find people like Dave who can make sense. Take a look and see what I mean. He is amazing.

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