Let's back up and regroup a bit. Since my last post I was able to visit San Xavier Mission just south of Tucson in Wa:k, AZ. This was with my dear friends Snookie, Bonnie, and Diane. We had a wonderful time touring the mission which was built in the 18th century and is still an active church.

During this visit we noticed a sign advertising a Pow Wow to be held in a few weeks. Put on our list for future reference.
At time ticked off I began to think of what needed to be done before I left Arizona. One of the most important things was to get the tires replaced on the camper. These were original tires which were ten years old at this time if not older. I made it to AZ with God watching over me without any problems but didn't want to push him to far. New tires and the pocket book just under 375.00 lighter makes me feel a bit more secure. Thinking about what I could live without to lighten the load. I find this to be the hardest thing for me to adjust to doing. I have given up 80-90 percent of my material things and find it hard to do more. So on to repacking and putting things safely in places to travel. March 29th was coming fast for me. And though I hate to admit it panic was setting in again. Life on the road is an adventure and one I embrace completely, but I am still nervous when I set off after a few months of down time in one place.
Saying goodbye to friends I have made has been the hardest thing. Working in the activities department made work fun and we had a really great group this winter. I love you all and hope to see all of you somewhere down the road.

The days came as we said goodbye to one after another. Our song of choice for most fulltime RVers is "On The Road Again".
The day came when Duncan and I hit the road heading into the sun leading us east toward Texas. First stop was Las Cruces, NM I wanted to see the petroglyphs at Three Rivers Recreational site north of White Sands so planned to spend two nights there before I set off for Galveston, Tx. The petroglyphs were amazing and I had a great time climbing over rocks and taking pictures.

There are over 22,000 identified petroglyphs on this one little hill in the middle of the desert. Oh! I almost forgot that morning I stumbled upon a Peter Toth statue in Las Cruces so that was first on the agenda of me to visit. This is number 5 for me.

Since I have my national senior pass it would be silly not to stop at White Sands since I was right there.

Oh and did I mention there was grass in the campground. It was the first Duncan had walked on since our arrival in Arizona in October of 2013. I had found a patch at a resort we went to several times which I had walked on barefoot. Next stops are a couple of one night layovers on our way to Galveston Island for a gathering of my fellow lady RVers some of whom I had met, but many I had not. This is the best part of this lifestyle!
Until next time............
1 comment:
Glad to see you posting. Thought at first you were going to cover all the past months at once. Did you know you can use prior dates when you post to keep things in line with when they happened? Looking forward to the rest of the updates.
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