Friday, October 18, 2013


On Tuesday, October 15, 2013, I left Houston and headed for San Antonia and my first get to gether with Colleen Phipps another of my online Sistah's.  She was waiting for me to arrive at Thousand Trails Medina Lake Preserve.  We got me checked in and set up then headed out for a look at the lake which unfortunately has been one of the biggest casualties of the drought in Texas.

From just behind the deer to the dirt line in the distance used to be the lake.

There is just a stream going through it now which is so sad.
The first day Duncan saw the deer he went ballistic with the whole let me at um attitude.  The next morning I opened the door of the camper to let him out and he hit the ground and came to a complete stop.  He just looked from one side to the other.  I counted 16 deer in a half circle and there could have been more.  They were everywhere.  He didn't even bark.  Think he was thinking what the heck I'm out numbered!!!!

The first afternoon we took a ride to Bandera - Cowboy Capital of Texas.  It is typically Texas in design, very western in nature.  We had lunch at the Old Spanish Trail which was a very old place.

It even had the saddle stools which I loved enough to crawl on for a photo.

As we walked around town there were some really interesting things  so here are pictures in no particular order.

Look closely at the door.  Yup that is what they are!!!

We had an awesome day just getting to know each other.


Until next time.....

1 comment:

TravelingLongdogs said...

Definitely a fun time with you. We have lots more places to visit the next time you blaze through Texas.