Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day in Lancaster County PA

Yesterday we visited the area flea market and picked up a couple of things we wanted for home.  The Green Dragon Flea Market in Ephrata is huge and has just about anything you could want, but is only open on Friday.  As we were waiting in line to get into the flea market this buggy came a long and couldn't resist a picture but made sure it was still far enough so as not to get the driver clearly as they do not like it when tourists take their pictures. It is totally against their religion and I always try to respect that.  From there we went to our favorite Amish market to stock up on my years supply of pickled beets and other bulk goods that I use for cooking.  Back to the campground (we are Staying at Circle M Resort).  Then out to dinner with my brother Tom and SIL Robin for Chinese Buffet.  Very good by the way. 

The boys are having a problem when I get out of their sight.  It seems that they are very female oriented having come from a home with 4 little girls and their mom how was home with them all day.  The couple said when we left them inside the camper yesterday they cried for about 40 minutes then got quiet.  When I go out the door they scratch and cry until I come back in.  Their personalities are coming out now and they are showing us some major differences.  Although Kelsey is smaller in stature he seems to be the most dominate and independent of the two and Duncan has to be near me all the time although he is by no means clingy.  When I sit he has to have his head on my foot or touching me in some way.  They love to play and wrestle then just crash for a nap where ever they are.  We did some one on one leash work today and they are doing well although they like to run their mouths a lot. It is not the high pitched sound that I have been used to with Shelties.  It is almost like the bay of a blood hound.  They have a very big bark for their size, good thing Miss Ripley is deaf and can not hear them.

Today was not a good day for Les so we just hung out here in the camper and will leave here tomorrow to head home.  COPD does make it hard to spend time outside here in the humidity so after working to breath yesterday he was exhausted today.  It has been low humidity, cooler air with a nice breeze but he just didn't have the energy to enjoy it.

Vacation is coming to an end and I am sad to see it, but I know how much work is waiting for me to do when I get back to work on Tues.  Take a week off and have to work twice as hard when I get back, but oh so worth it.

I am sure that Les will be glad to be home as well.  I have a feeling this will be our last long trip together so we will stick close to home from now on just taking long weekends.

Have a good night

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