Monday, May 28, 2012

From Black Hole to Sunshine and Rain

As I sat here updating on Saturday I got to thinking about how I was feeling and decided that it was guilt.  Last week before I left home I had attended a grief support meeting at which we talked about feeling guilty when we smile and have a good time doing something.  That seemed to be what was going on Sat.  I had spent Friday with my sister-in-law at the flea market and I had such a good time.  But many of the things we did were taking me down memory lane so now I am learning where these feeling are coming from at least.

I decided to get out of the camper so packed a picnic lunch and Duncan and I headed out for the afternoon.  I just hit the road and we ended up at Hershey Gardens.  Unfortunately Duncan could not go inside and it was to hot to leave him in the truck so having parked under a tree we sat in the parking lot and had lunch looking through the fence at the garden of thousands of roses in bloom.

Am thinking that Monday I may leave Dunc at home and head over by myself to walk around and see the roses up close and personal.  They have a butterfly garden as well so may just do that as well.


Yesterday I got a message from Lori and Dock, an online friend from RV women's forum.  We have been trying to connect and get together since I have been here.  I finally had an address so off I went.  They are absolutely delightful.  I kinda crashed a family lunch, but was so welcomed I didn't feel like I was imposing. It was my first time meeting a fellow Sista from the forum and it was like meeting old friends. I can't wait to meet more of them.

Lori and Dock (Sultan) have been living in one camper or another since 2004.  Traveling with their dog spinner, who was also a great host to Duncan.

From there I headed back to my brothers for dinner.  While there we had a band of storms come through the area with clouds that were very angry starting with almost a wall cloud.

Then we saw the sky just start to boil.
And the rain came.  The heaviest thunder storms went around us so winds and rain predicted did not happen there.  I was about 40 minutes from the campground so stayed put later than I would normally have.  I remembered my vent was open over my bed,  YUP, you guessed it, I had a wet spot on the bed when I got home.  Had to change blankets and spread the wet ones out to dry overnight.  Another lesson learned. 

This morning was really enjoying sleeping in when my phone went off at 7:20.  Chris, my son, sent text to see how I was.  Yes, I am finally sleeping peacefully on my camper bed, but still wish I had a sleep number bed here.  I miss the one I have at home.  I, of course, had the phone plugged in the other end of camper so had to get out of bed.  OK, that is reason enough to move it over next to the bed. 

Time to get in gear and do something even if it is wrong.  Duncan is being very lazy today so will leave him home to catch up on much need rest.  OH, to live a dogs life!!

I am trying to remember that:  Life can change in a moment, so we must appreciate every single day we are given.
K Carlson

Until Next Time .................


dayspring39 said...

Great Post Deb... oh I have a sleep number in my mobile home wish it was in my MH but can't have everything... and they cost so many $$$... those roses are so beautiful! I do not have a green thumb so have to enjoy those planted by others...

TravelingLongdogs said...

Do go to the garden and walk around. I think that is the one I visited a couple of years ago. They also had neat animal statues and the butterfly house was wonderful.

Get some covers put over your vents. They don't cost all that much and will save you a whole lot of worry when it starts raining and you are away. You can also have the vent open even if it is raining. Well worth the money.

Sharon/Sprinter said...

Hi Deb,

So glad you got to meet Lori and Ernie. They are good people :)

You are in my old stompin grounds. If you ever get the chance and you like good PA Dutch food, go to Shady Maple Smorgasbord in East Earl. My fav restaurant in the whole USA! ;)

Enjoy your travels!