Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Sun is shining!!!!!

After two days of rain, sleet and snow the sun has finally come out again. Unfortunately we are in a freeze right now with temps in the mid 20's. I have a flat roof on my house and over the weekend, with news of roof after roof collapsing every day, I had one of my fellow coworkers come and take the ice and snow off. That is the second time this year and it is getting expensive to have this done. I have never had to have it done before and the roof has been on about 5 years. I have PVC roofing on 75% of my roof and the snow usually slides right off without a problem. It is a good thing we have a wood pellet stove to heat our home with as it would be really a hardship to pay for oil heat and get the roof cleaned off as well. Can you believe the price gouging we are getting from these oil companies?

I woke to another light covering of snow on my car this morning. I am so done with the winter. I want green grass and flowers. I want to be able to go outside without bundling into multiple layers to stay warm. My family wonders why I want to RV full time. I so want to head out when fall is on the wane and not come back until the last snow drift is gone.

Hey! Did you see the results of the Wisconsin primary. Obama has another one under his belt. I was listening to an interview of a voter last night and when asked who she voted for and why she said Hillary Clinton - because it is time to have a woman in the White House. Now I ask you is that a stupid reason to vote for someone or what? One other lady said she voted for Obama because Clinton was more involved with special interest groups. At least she had a reason for her vote.

I got an email from a very dear friend who moved to Mississippi almost a year ago telling me that the new house she just built is on the market and she will be coming home as soon as it sells. I am so looking forward to seeing her again. I was so surprised when she announced that she was moving south last year. She is thoroughly New England and having lived in Alabama myself, I wasn't sure she would be happy down there. There is nothing wrong with southerners, I made dear friends when I was there. The life style is so slow that it is difficult for us from the northeast, where everything moves at the speed of sound sometimes, to acclimate and slow ourselves down.

Have a great day!

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