Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lancaster County PA

My first buggy sighting this trip.  Although I have come to Lancaster, PA almost annually I never tire of see these buggies and never try to rush by them.  I will poke along for miles just following them.  Today I picked up my sister-in-law and we headed for Green Dragon Flea Market in Ephrata which in only open on Fridays.
It is a huge market with everything from food to junk  in outside tents and in building covering more ground than these old feet can cover.  It is rather a tradition that we planned our trips here to arrive on Thursday to visit the market in Friday.  Yesterday was bittersweet since Les was not here to enjoy it with me.  Robin and I visited his favorite ice cream stand and had a cone in his honor.  It is hot and humid so it was a race to see if we could eat it before it ran down the front of us. (sorry no pic).  Last year while we were here Les wanted me to get Duncan an pet stroller which I did yesterday.  When you have a scent hound there is no such thing as power walking for exercise so this will be good for me to do more than stop and start and hopefully take a few pounds off in the process.

The Amish buggies lined up with horses in the shade.  It had to be a day for hay sales as there were wagons of it lined up in the parking lot for sale.  Fresh strawberries are for sale everywhere and are so juicy they melt in your mouth.

A couple of pictures of the flea market.

This is just a small area of building with paths and walkways throughout.

We filled up Duncan's new buggy with all our goodies.  It is a good thing he was back at the camper.  We went to pick him up and then back to my brothers to have dinner with them. 

As I was coming back to my home on wheels I rounded a corner and saw the sun just sinking down into the haze (very humid here) so pulled over and took this picture.  If you click on the picture it will get bigger and you can just see the sun in the bottom center.

I was too tired to post last night and am sitting here in a peaceful shaded spot this morning.  Temp is already up to 81 at 11 AM.  Most everyone around me is out for the day so it is very quiet around here now.

My black hole is wide open today and I am trying not to fall into a funk, but think I will stay to myself , maybe Dunc and I will get out and take a ride to nowhere and take some pictures.  I usually have each moment planned, but am trying to just do moment by moment this trip.

 I am trying to remember that:  Life can change in a moment, so we must appreciate every single day we are given.
K Carlson

Until Next Time .................


Birdie said...

Great shots and I loved your comments about one moment at a time. Just keep on keeping on, GF, you are out for an adventure of the spirit. It will soothe you.

TravelingLongdogs said...

I agree with Nancy. Glad you want to get some fast walking in but don't forget that Duncan needs some exercise too. My dachsies can walk a long ways. You are doing okay--one day at a time.