Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Happy Tuesday!

We are in a deep freeze here in New Hampshire, but the sun was out this morning giving us the illusion of a beautiful day as long as you just looked out the window. It was 0 degrees F when I left the house this morning and is now up to 32 degrees F so it has improved quite a bit.

Last night when I let the 4 legged kids out for the last time before bed I could not believe how bright it was with the moonlight reflecting off the snow. If the wind had not been blowing it would have been a wonderful night for a walk. I had noticed on my way home that the moon was already up at 4:30 PM so knew it would be lovely to look out at the snow later on, but it seemed so much brighter than usual and the moon was huge. I was amazed that the kids did not go crazy when I let them out as they often do when we have a full moon.

I am watching the weather bug program that is a necessity when you work for a roofing company. We have a weather event coming at us from the west which is supposed to drop about an inch of snow on us this afternoon and evening. It is to be just enough to cover up the dirty snow and make everything pretty again.

I was able to get my parrot painted last night and hope to be able to get some feathers on it tonight. Hope to have it ready for reveal tomorrow. If you would like to see some of my other projects you can go to my photo site and take a look around. I have many of the projects I have completed and miniatures I have made there.

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