Friday, January 25, 2008

TGIF everyone!!!

This week seems to have been so long with the cold weather we have been having. I have been working on my parrot and finished it late last night. I will take pictures of it this weekend and get it posted. I can tell you that it is not as spectacular as the one pictured in a previous post this week, but for my first try I am excited with the results. This weekend I am going to try for a German Shepard using the same techniques that Kerri Pajutee uses on her website. I have done needle felted dogs which turn out well, but want to try this method to see how it works. Will also post the resulting critter no matter what it looks like. Only by laughing at my own creations will I work to improve the pieces as I go along.

This week was meeting week for my miniature group on Wed night. We are working on gardens like the one previously posted. It is amazing how 4 people can come up with totally different ideas to fill a 6 inch cardboard circle. I so enjoy teaching others to challenge themselves in new ways they never thought of. I love learning new things, but more than that I love watching people who say they can not do something, blossom as they learn new things. I would rather do an intense project with many different techniques than to do simple things that only take an hour or two to finish, but have no place to go when they are done. Starting with the garden base we could add fish ponds, fountains, plants of all kinds, benches, little critters hiding in the corners or any number of things and still not make it to crowded on the small base.

My mother always tried to instill in us that we could do anything if we wanted to badly enough. I, in turn, tried to teach the same thing to my children. Having the desire to strive for more in our lives is what makes us grow as life goes on. I hope never to have a day I do not learn something new. My mom passed away a year ago and I miss her still. I still want to pick up the phone and call her on occasion when I need someone to talk to or some advice on some issue or other. She lived to be 83 so I was lucky to have her with a healthy mind, even though her body was failing her for as long as I did. One day I will write about her life, but I am not ready to do that just yet.

That is it for today. Have a great weekend.


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