Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday & Miniatures

Well it is Monday again. For us in the working world that means back to work and the grind for another 5 days.

I spent the weekend working on the dog intended for a birthday present for a coworker and as you can see I completed it. I was happy with the finished project although I learned I need to make things a little on the skinny side so when they are furred they look natural and not to chunky. In the picture is also a picture of my model Miss Pippen who is a gorgeous long haired German Shepard with a wonderful temperament. She doesn't seem to have a mean bone in her body.

I also got pictures taken of my parrot. I was also pleased with the way it came out. Compared to the one pictured in the previous post I have a long way to go for perfection, but for my first try I am happy. It is amazing what we can learn to do in a small scale. The only problem I have is trying to make everything I see rather than focusing on one medium. I quickly get bored and do not like to mass produce things so I could never make enough to satisfy the demand it would take to do a show.

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