Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My world of Doll House Miniatures

Today I thought I would introduce you to my world of miniatures. I was given a doll house for Christmas 10 years ago. I had always wanted one and finally had one. Well I opened the box, looked at the directions and viewed the video that came with it. Intimidated is to mild a word for what I felt. I closed up the box and stored it away. It took me 7 years to get up the nerve to open the box and take the plunge into the world of doll house construction. Now three years later I am still working on the basic construction of the exterior. I am down to the detail painting and trying to make up my mind where I want to add that last bit of color to make it pop without being gaudy. It is a little further along than when this picture was taken, but still have much to do to finish the exterior.

Well it didn't take me long to learn that I would never be able to afford all the wonderful miniatures it would take to fill up the 6 rooms in the house. One visit to the doll house shop nearby and a wondrous world opened up to me, but alas my tastes run to the high end of the market. I knew then that I needed to find a way to make as many of the small things to fill it as I could or it would never get furnished. Just how does someone new to this little world find out where to go. Well a search on Yahoo groups brought up numerous groups dealing with the small world of miniatures. I was off and running. I joined everyone I could find and read everything I could about scales and any advice that anyone could impart. In the miniature world you can find the most supportive people willing to share knowledge that in other areas most people charge a small fortune for. Ask a question and you will receive an answer sometimes even before you ask. There are also many websites found when doing a search for dollhouse miniatures.

Many of the miniatures I have made can be viewed on webshots at http://community.webshots.com/user/mizdeb11?action=publicAlbums

I have so many projects in line to do that I doubt I will ever finish them all. I tend to think about what I want to do in terms of where will it go when I leave my stick house for life on the road.

I think my favorite thing to do is create gardens. You can see many of them in my webshots albums. I love flowers and creating them has become a passion for me. I usually give these little gardens away as they make others smile and often brighten a day that is dark and dismal.

One nice thing about miniatures as they will fit nicely into my RVing lifestyle when we take to the road. I just have to make sure I save storage space for the my supplies to keep making these wonderful things in miniature. I am rethinking my doll house as it is almost 4 feet high and on a base that is 3' square. How will that fit into a motor home?

More tomorrow!

Have a great day,

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