Tuesday, October 29, 2013


On the way back from the mountains a stop was made at the Boyce Thompson Arboretum.  To see so many of the different species of cactus as well as many of the plants from other states and countries that can survive in the arid desert environment was really interesting.  I won't even begin to remember the names of plants.  The trail through the exhibit was wandering and beautiful.  The main trail is a mile and a half, but as we got there late we only went through about half of it to Ayer Lake at the far right of the map.

 The above is just one of many beds done to showcase a variety of plants.  Below you will see some of the more unusual ones and also some that are blooming right now.

 The cactus seem to find even the smallest amount of soil to thrive in.

 The rock formation in the above picture really caught my eye the way it was framed by the other foliage around it.

The iridescent blue on this butterfly was so amazing I chased him around in the camera lens for awhile before I was able to get it in the sun to showcase the color.  These butterflies were all over this shrub and we heard many hummingbirds, but I was unable to get one in a shot.  I did see a tile that showed a picture of a broad-billed hummingbird and would have loved to see one. I did see a picture of one from Birds and Blooms identification guide, but was not sure I should use it here, but you can check it out if you like by just hitting the link Birds and Blooms Broad-billed Hummingbird  The hummingbirds I have seen in New England have been limited to the Ruby Throat Green ones so I am hoping I will be able to see more species of this bird while I am here.
 The Saguaro are like sentinels of the desert with their many arms, some having stood for a hundred years or more.  They are all around the arboretum, but cover the surrounding area as well.  We had seen them throughout the day until we drove through the tunnel and then into another environment where the cactus seemed to disappear from the landscape.

 Even the bugs have found the cactus to be of use to them.  We also saw several bird nests tucked into the branches of cactus as well.  This beetle was at least 1 1/2 inches long.  Have no idea what it is, but the size was enough to get his picture on here.

As we came back into the valley the sun started to set, this is the first one I have caught on camera and wish the telephone poles has not been in view, but for a first one I didn't care.

The way the sun just slid behind the mountain was just gorgeous.

I found the following today and it just spoke to me.  I think, no I know, that this is what life should be and it is how I want to live it. 

Yes I am ready:
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.


 For he who goes into the Valley of Fire may the road be all you want it to be!!!


Until Next time......


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