Saturday, September 14, 2013


   The Governor's Mansion
The Governor's Mansion was quite interesting in that it had an arsenal in the entrance hall used as decoration on the walls.  Ceilings were at least 12 feet high which is the norm in the homes in the south so that the heat would rise and keep the lower portion of the rooms cool in the summer.   As with most mansions of that time the kitchen was in a separate building so the chance of fires was minimal and the heat from the cooking was not in the main house.  As we toured the house there were many details about mansion, to many to mention but you can read about it's residents and the reconstruction after a fire in 1781.   The Governor's Mansion
The following pictures were all taken at the mansion.



The following are of the entrance hall.

This bed is dwarfed by the size of the room.  We were told it was the normal 6 feet but it looked like it was half that size.
The fact that most of the rooms were paneled with extraordinary moldings was amazing.  I had a Victorian home in RI that had beautiful molding around the windows and doors, but nothing like these.

I hope you enjoyed the pictorial tour of the Governors Mansion.
Williamsburg visit will continue in the next post.
Until Next Time......................

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